Lots going on at Silvertip HQ…
There’s been a lot going on with us lately so let’s dive into it all…
The Rising Stars programme has been underway – this is a Horsham District Council initiative forming a series of workshops for local businesses, led by other local businesses and covering a range of topics from compliance to marketing, photography to accounting and there’s one on video too run by us! Alongside that, we are also filming the workshops to create trailers to promote next years sessions too.
We are also running a separate Introduction to Videography workshop in April and again in September. This one will go into more depth than the Rising Stars version of it.
We’ve also been working on the HDC Volunteers project and recently interviewed a number of volunteers at different charities to make videos to encourage people to volunteer.
We worked with CT Sussex to make an animation for their Travel Buddy scheme – this video was written by Luna and illustrated by Annalees, both from Whistlestop Arts who we have worked with before, it was animated by John and edited by Geoff and the VO was done by Jason Flemyng of Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels fame!
We have been making a series of mini-documentaries for the Meath Epilepsy Charity in the lead up to Purple Day (Epilepsy Awareness Day) later in March. These documenaries look at people living with complex epilepsy, talk in-depth about epilepsy and how to manage a seizure and look at life at the Meath.
As always, if we can help with video in any way at all, please get in touch!