April 21 News

Things are starting to open up, slowly, and we’re getting busy and feeling positive about things…how is your world going right now?

We recently did two livestreams, one for Guildford Shakespeare Company and their youth department and one for rock band Iron Tyger to celebrate their birthday. Take a look at both via the hyperlinks.

Our work for Horsham.TV continues each month and is producing a weekly episode which takes a look at local businesses, events, people and more. Take a look at the Facebook page HERE.

We have been prepping for various upcoming shoots including PureTech H20 which will get us out and about in this decent weather we now have!

We’re also prepping a series of filming days for a district-wide walking tour project which combines with a podcast being made for the same project so we’re expecting to put a few steps on the record on those days around the local towns!

Now that the restrictions are easing and things are opening up more, if you’d like to talk video with us and see how we can help you with it, get in touch!

Posted in News, Blog.

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