Guest blog from Hair Stylist Emma Lehane…
I was very excited to join the team and work on the Si Cranstoun video for Never Gonna Let You Go, as for me personally it allowed me to show off different eras of hair styles and outfits all in one place!
I had to really get my thinking cap on to create these looks, as I knew the dancer would be swishing her hair around quite a bit and we were up against it on timing so the styles had to stay in for at least 1 hour per look – which is harder than you think!
My favourite thing for this video was creating the overall looks on 3 of the eras – 60’s hippy, 70’s cow girl and (my favourite) 80’s disco. But for me the best hair style was the 1950’s victory rolls, I loved the way Victoria really suited the look and it totally transformed her and took her back in time 60 years or so.
I wanted the 60’s hippy look to be very “peace and love” looking and flowing, and I think we really nailed it with the long “far out” hair and the swishy skirt to match!
Believe it or not the 70’s flicks were the hardest to create on Victoria as she has incredibly long, one length hair so I ended up using my trusty heated irons for this look…and about half a can of hair spray!!
For the 80’s look I used my brilliant Babyliss crimpers and swished up the hair into a high one sided pony tail, I also left the front section out, so you could really see the crimped effect and…voila!! The ultimate 80’s look plus I think the leg warmers really finished this look off along with the neon crop top of course!
And finally the 90’s corn rows or; as I like to call it – J.Lo Fantastico! Every one went nuts for this look as I think it’s the most effective look of them all, but in truth it was probablly the easiest look for me to achieve.
I think Victoria really loved it and was pleased it was the last look as she got to keep it in for a few days!
Just writing this blog reminds me of the brilliant fun I had doing this shoot and the different hair styling looks we achieved on it.
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