Top Tips for your Music Video shoot.

We’re a music video production company and we’ve shot a lot of music videos over the last seven years here at Silvertip Films and in that time, we’ve learnt a few things about how to make your shoot run smoothly […]

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Music Video Fight Club!

We shoot a lot of music videos here at Silvertip Films, it’s what the company was primarily founded on and chances are, you’re looking for a music video and that’s why you are looking at this blog post. For us […]

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Make yourself the star of your video!

If you run your own business, chances are you are the “face” of the business, despite how many staff you might have. Having a website is a great tool and, today, probably the single most useful way for you to […]

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Raise production values on your shoot.

Every video deserves to be the best it can be. A multitude of factors will be involved in this – starting with the crew shooting it but also the idea, locations, costume, cast but also things like lighting and additional […]

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Chiedu “I Will Dance”

Every shoot we do is enjoyable and filled with fun and sometimes they lead to friendships which develop beyond that one or two day shooting time. I find that a relaxed, happy and fun set brings out the best in […]

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